History of the Nursery

Founder of Shiseigakusha
Kyuichiro Inenaga
Shiseigakusha Social Welfare Foundation, which is the parent organization of the Nursery, was founded as an organization for protection of juveniles following the establishment of the Juvenile Law in 1925, by Kyuichiro Inenaga, who in 1912 along with his confectionary business took under his care several unfortunate juveniles, guided by the principle of “True Heart.”
In 1942 through personal donations the organization was transformed into a foundation. After the War, following the revision of legislation, the organization was once again changed into a social welfare foundation and its activities shifted in the welfare area, accordingly. Since then the Foundation has been engaged in managing nursery centers, homes for dependent children, homes for the elderly and other facilities in Tachikawa, Hino, and Hoya City, each of them contributing to the improvement of welfare services in the respective areas.

Goho -rensha and monument of
The Nursery, established by Yoshi Inenaga, second board chairperson of the Foundation, was certified by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government on December 1, 1949. Presently, as a facility with capacity of 120 children, it offers services that respond to the needs of the age, such as nursery care for infants from the 57days since birth and the end of the maternity leave, extended nursery care (7:00~20:00), nursery care for disabled children, emergency temporary nursing care, and child rearing support programs (Nonna no ouchi Nonna’s Home). After the Foundation split up in FY1998, the Shiseigakusha Tachikawa Social Welfare Foundation was established and together with Sayuri Hoikuen (Sayuri Day Nursery), a sister nursery of the Nursery formed a Headquarters of Nonna General Program, which aims at “creating facilities that are rooted in the local communities,” and mobilizes the efforts of all its staffs for turning its nurseries into even better places for personality formation for the children of the 21st Century
Jun. 1912  Kyuichiro Inenaga starts a program for protection of juveniles
Dec. 1949  Establishment of the Nursery
Apr. 1986  After a large-scale improvement, the Nursery is turned into the present facility with capacity of 120 children

Number of Children

The Nursery has a capacity of 120 children in total separated in different age groups.
(In reality, however, errors are possible depending on the different number of request in each year, so the table above provides just rough estimates)
Infants1-year old children2-year old children3-year old children4-year old children5-year old children
Total 120

Structure of Staff

Nursery Director1
Nursery teachers20
Medical nurse1

Nursery Care Services

Creation of a day nursery responding to the needs of the age

Nursery care after the maternity leave end

we accept infants from the 57days after their birth

11-hour nursery care

we offer 11-hour nursery care services from 7:00 to 18:00

Extended nursery care

we offer extended nursery care services between 18:00 and 20:00. The working hours of the nursery are from 7:00 to 20:00.

Nursery care for children with disabilities

children with disabilities live together with unimpaired children.

Emergency temporary nursery care

in case of emergency our system allows children to be accepted when necessary

Programs for promoting acceptance throughout the year

we always do our best to achieve flexibility in accepting children by allocating 10% of the capacity throughout the year for accepting children at the end of the parent’s maternity or child rearing leave. Thus, we also work towards solving the issue of waiting lists.

Creation of a day nursery that is open to the local community

Child rearing support programs Nonna no ouchi (Nonna’s Home)

“You are not alone. We are all with you.”
Child rearing circle, where mothers can share their concerns over child rearing, and where parents’ reassurance contributes to children’s happiness.
The circle offers a variety of pleasant experiences
» Nonna no ouchi (Nonna’s Home)

Summer festival and bazaar

we hold a summer festival on the July every year.

Objectives of Nursery Care

To Rear Active and Healthy Children
  • Bright, healthy, active, and independent children
  • Caring, cooperative and social children, who can live in harmony with other people
  • Children who are rich in creativity and are able to devote their time and effort to exploration
We all hope that our children will grow to be active and self-confident adults with high abilities of self-expression, who will lead full and happy lives. A happy childhood is one of the important fundamental prerequisites for that, and we will spare no efforts to support it. In daily nursery care we give independent and individual nursery care through various activities such as the ones that focus on the importance of each individual child and activities in which children can enjoy various close-to-everyday-life family situations in multiage classes

Nursery Care Groups

In the Nursery we have adopted the group structure presented below
Shine, Chick Nido Bunny, Squirrel IC Apricot-tree,
From 57days to around
a year and a half-old
From around a year and
a half to 3-years oldchildren
From 3-years old to preschool age children

Nido (infants aged 0 mainly)

“Nido” is an Italian word, which means “nest”.
It represents a very important period in the life of the chick, when it needs a lot of protective care and support under its mother’s wing.
We have set various corners in order to preserve the daily individual rhythm of eating, sleeping, and physical activities. Here infants spend the important period until they are weaned and start walking.
Infants are divided into two groups by age

Shine room (room for eight-week old to 6-to-7-month old infants, who can roll over or have started crawling)
Chick room (room for up to year and a half old infants, who have mastered crawling and have started to pull themselves up and walk on their own)

Infant Community (IC mainly 1-to-2-year old children)

This is a group for children from around a year and a half to 3-years old,
who can already walk and move around freely. For this group we adopt the multiage nursery care based on the Montessori Method.
Children at this age are eager for imitative activity and the group aims to establish basic independent skills such as dressing and undressing,
eating, and excreting on their own. The group is divided in two rooms? the Bunny room and the Squirrel room (each room for children from a year and a half to 3-years old).

Primary (mainly 3-to-5 year old children)

As children grow up, communication with other children from different age groups becomes an increasingly important matter.
Because we place priority on the opportunity for the children to learn about each other, we adopt the multiage nursery care for this group, which is based on the Montessori Method.
Under this method children of different age groups are raised in the same environment, where younger children adoringly imitate and follow older children.
as kindness, caring, and leadership.
This cultivates sociability and cooperative spirit in children, which is a very important achievement, especially nowadays, when few children have brothers and sisters.

Furthermore, as children enter a period when their intellectual desire grows, we have created an environment with various teaching materials that children can use freely.
This group is divided in two rooms ? the Apricot-tree room and the Zelkova-tree room (each room for children from 3-years old to preschool age).

Four Core Pillars of Nursery Care

Individual activities

Montessori Method aimed at establishment of individuality

Our educational system respects the individual pace of each child starting from the infants and places a high priority on their individuality.

We always ask children “What do you want to do?” (giving priority to their will) and tell them “Let’s help you so that you can do it on your own.” (developing inner speech capacity and self esteem in children).

Thus we attach great importance on the development of their individuality.

In the nursery we consider this period of their growth as the most important in terms of personality formation and apply the method for a given time every day after they arrive at the Nursery.

Group activities

Cultivation of group consciousness and ability to acquire a given theme and development of sensitivity

Four-to-five years is the age in particular when children start developing group consciousness.

We provide them with opportunities to experience activities where children think for themselves what to do and how to act accordingly, to learn how to control themselves in a group, or to compete with one another and to help each other to achieve one goal.

Outdoor activities

Getting close to nature and rearing healthy children who love nature

Every day children enjoy playing and walking in the nursery garden.

They taste various fruits grown in the rich natural environment, learn the delight of participating in the process of growing fruits harvesting them, and then tasting them, and develop sense of gratitude toward nature.

These activities contribute also to rearing strong and healthy children.

Practical Life activities

Rearing independent and cordial children

Children spend more time in the nursery than at home.

It is important that they learn some life skills It is also important to that they become aware that they are responsible for their own life.

Furthermore, children should learn that through doing things by themselves they can be of help to other people.

We think that all fundamental living skills should be acquired through everyday-life activities.


Site Area4280.57m²
Building Area1680.51m²
(1F 718.62m² / 2F 493.01m² / 3F 468.88m²)
Outdoor Playground1092m²